Remote work and flexible working arrangements have gained widespread popularity. And in today’s working world, third places bridge the gap between the home and the office for many employees. There are a number of ways they can contribute to organisational success as well as employee well-being. Let’s have a look. Third places in a hybridWięcej
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Office phone booths are becoming an increasingly popular part of hybrid workspaces. They ensure full speech privacy and focus in situations when uninterrupted concentration is highly desired to perform tasks. So, if you’re looking for your first phone pod, have a look at some important aspects that you should take into account. Phone booth forWięcej
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In the times when being flexible is of utmost importance, online education is a step forwards, enabling effective collaboration and learning regardless of your location. Simple, private booths with impeccable acoustics, Hushoffice pods, provide perfect spaces for both recording and attending various business webinars and training sessions. Acoustic booths for webinars – tl;dr From theWięcej
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By creating a workspace following ergonomic principles, you bring comfort to your employees’ working environment. An Activity-Based Workplace approach supports this idea by providing an in-depth understanding of employees’ day-to-day tasks and creating zones that are most optimum for particular tasks. Let’s have a look. Activity-based workplace – tl;dr Improved office ergonomics means higher employeeWięcej
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Do you have any privacy problems in your workspace? With acoustic booths, you can transform your office to maintain a healthy balance between dynamic collaboration and necessary relaxation. Privacy in open plan offices – tl;dr Why is it so important to ensure acoustic and visual privacy in an open-plan office? Acoustic privacy refers to isolationWięcej
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Small workspaces have their challenges. Optimising a limited floor plate. Efficient layout allowing employees to move around effortlessly. The right proportion of collaborative and private spaces. We strongly believe that acoustic booths are part of the equation! Acoustic booths for smaller offices – tl:dr Small office, big noise – the difficulties inherent in small workspacesWięcej
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What actually is employee experience? Why is it so important? What makes a positive one? Does the office play any role in it? The following article explains the key aspects of employee experience, highlighting the significant contribution that offices make to each employee’s path to improvement. Employee experience – tl;dr In order to understand employeeWięcej
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In the contemporary working world, agility is crucial. Brainstorming is a way to navigate smoothly and adapt to unpredictable market and industry changes, and customer expectations. Unfortunately, technical issues, irregular participation, and shortage of brainstorming spaces in the office may thwart creative thinking during team discussions. Hushoffice acoustic pods help overcome such issues. Brainstorming inWięcej
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95% of employees suffer from call fatigue. Why has it become such a common condition? There are a few reasons. Continuous visual focus. A limited range of non-verbal communication. Prolonged sitting. Intellectual overload. A sense of isolation, and many more. Fortunately, with Hushoffice pods, your video conferences may be substantially better. And it doesn’t onlyWięcej
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The office may foster trust, encourage togetherness, and boost performance. In an online working world, it becomes a hub where workers and clients connect to experience authentic collaboration. The unifying thread? A clear brand experience starting at the front door. Corporate branding – tl;dr You never get a second chance to make a first impression.Więcej
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One of the challenges of managing distributed team is to provide a cohesive, productive work environment regardless of physical distance. Communication barriers must be eliminated and a coherent vision should be outlined. There are a few key principles that can help reach these goals! Managing a distributed team – tl;dr What is the definition ofWięcej
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Stress at work is an important, omnipresent problem affecting most employees. It is caused by both psychological (e.g. approaching deadlines) and environmental (e.g. office noise) factors. There are a lot of small changes you can introduce to create a more peaceful workplace today. Occupational stress – tl;dr What is occupational stress? Occupational stress can beWięcej
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Noise distractions in the office are what employees complain about the most. Once distracted, an employee may need up to 20 minutes to regain focus. And today’s employee experiences one distraction every 30 minutes. What’s more, 42% of them are afraid they might feel “noise rage” if their colleagues are too noisy. Let’s have aWięcej
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Vanlife. Working from any place. Co-living. And many other, similar ideas. The world is getting used to digital nomads driven by wanderlust. It is actually good news for businesses, because road warriors can add considerable value to teams. The issues: cooperation, communication, and a sense of loneliness. The solution: offices with perfect virtual meeting spacesWięcej
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The characteristics of an effective presentation are universal. Speech is clear and perfectly audible. The lighting is good, and all gestures are readable. The background is professional. The space is minimal. The speaker is calm and confident. A connection is established. So, what actually makes a proper office recording space? There are a few universalWięcej
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It takes roughly 30 seconds for the majority of interviewees to decide if they want to be part of your organisation and your workplace’s design. Approximately 69% would exchange benefits, such as commute time, for a better work environment. 22% could even go for a lower salary. So, what makes an office talent attracting (andWięcej
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In present-day work environments teams find it really important to work in quiet spaces and be able to focus on both work and private communication. That is why, the popularity of soundproof work pods is on the rise. Acoustic pods reduce office noise and, simultaneously, create a distraction-free space where workflow can be managed effectively. Więcej
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At June 12–14 we will be presenting a new line of acoustic booths during NeoCon 2023 in Chicago. It is the first time that the hushFree line will be presented at a U.S. fair. The newest line is a brand response to current employer and employee needs in the field of agile and hybrid work.Więcej
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Quiet booths aren’t just for busy workplaces. They’re finding their way into high schools, medical centers, and libraries, as well. For ideas, check out some recent Hushoffice booth implementations in various facilities around our home country of Poland 🙂 Case #1: Booths in a Sosnowiec school give students space where they can think straight “WeWięcej
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Does the concept of work-life balance resonate with you? An alternative paradigm is the emerging “work-life fit” which, instead of seeking to divide “work” and “life” into two separate elements, sees either as counterparts to be harmonized. Perhaps it’s for you. Let’s look at some potential benefits of work-life fit and practical ways to applyWięcej
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What role does office noise play in workplace stress? How does stress impact an employee’s productivity over the long run? What easy, affordable remedies can organizations implement today to make their office quieter? This short blog tells all. Office noise – tl;dr Invariably, stress ultimately hinders employee performance. While stress can increase productivity in theWięcej
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This year, we visited the Academic Job Fair in Łódź – the largest non-commercial job fair in Poland, which is organised by the Medical University, the Technical University of Łódź and the City of Łódź, among others. It was a great opportunity for our company to learn about the current expectations and competences of peopleWięcej
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This year’s Workspace Expo in Paris was held under the theme ‘I love my workspace’ and was the 10th anniversary edition of the event. More than 19,000 visitors came to meet more than 300 exhibitors. This year, Hushoffice unveiled a new line of hushFree acoustic pods for work and meetings. These are three new boothsWięcej
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Hushoffice was one of the sponsors of the CoreNet Global Summit APAC, held from 14-16 March this year in Singapore. This year’s event was held under the motto ‘Putting it together’, which refers to the attempt to redefine the current reality of commercial real estate. Hushoffice, as part of its partnership with CoreNet Global Summit,Więcej
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Workplace Napping Day is approaching on 13th March. With this in mind, we have come up with suggestions on how to become a successful team of power nappers. Power naps at work – tl;dr It turns out that power napping is a highly-effective solution when adopted wisely. It’s a cost-effective way to improve employee performance,Więcej
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Microbreaks are short, frequent breaks at work. They’ve been shown to improve focus, productivity, and overall well-being. Sounds good? This blog details a handful of work techniques that include microbreaks, making it easier to take them. Microbreaks can increase creativity, boost motivation, and reduce the likelihood of burnout. By taking just a few minutes toWięcej
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This trio of hushFree 1-person work booths will make any office a haven where every type of independent work finds its place.
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Do you ever feel run down? Dispirited? Checked-out? You’re not alone. 76% of employees experience burnout. It’s now recognized as an international crisis. But take heart — you can actually become more resilient to stress by doing less, not more. The more imbalanced we become from working too hard, the more value there is inWięcej
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The Great Resignation. The Big Quit. The Great Reshuffle. Whatever we call it, the elevated rate at which workers have left their jobs since the spring of 2021 has been a force to reckon with. How to win amid it? Be the greener pastures employees seek. Give them freedom. Giving employees freedom amid Great ResignationWięcej
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Engagement at work affects everything. Job satisfaction. Health. Happiness. Performance. But it isn’t easy to bring your A-game every day. So how to stay engaged in this brand new year? Engagement at work – tl;dr Overwhelmed? Stressed? Spent? Know that “checking out” is a natural response to excess stress. It’s how we self-regulate and findWięcej
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