Les cabines acoustiques et téléphoniques Hushoffice sont des espaces qui établissent de nouvelles normes dans les bureaux connaissant une évolution dynamique. Disponibles dans une vaste gamme de configurations, elles répondent aux défis des lieux de travail hybrides – réunions en ligne fréquentes, mini-conférences, brainstorming d’équipes dispersées, appels téléphoniques, et ceci sans déranger les autres. Les cabines acoustiques Hushoffice sont conçues pour offrir le maximum de confort, de détente et de confort visuel et acoustique. Dans un bureau de type open space débordant de sollicitations et d’informations diverses, elles permettent aux employés d’échapper à l’agitation et de se concentrer sur la tâche à accomplir. Nos cabines pour le travail individuel et collaboratif associent une technologie avancée d’atténuation du bruit à un design épuré et minimaliste. Elles créent un espace privatif où vous pouvez vous concentrer sur votre travail et préserver la confidentialité de vos conversations. Les cabines acoustiques Hushoffice sont un lieu où le travail devient un plaisir et le confort est au bout des doigts.
La société Mikomax Smart Office est le créateur des cabines acoustiques pour le travail et les réunions et du mobilier de bureau Hushoffice. Nous avons plus de 30 ans d’expérience dans la production et la vente de mobilier de bureau sur le marché national et international, adapté aux divers besoins des utilisateurs. Nos solutions et nos cabines de bureau se distinguent non seulement par une technologie avancée, mais aussi par une esthétique moderne. C’est le résultat d’une approche méticuleuse des détails – des composants soigneusement sélectionnés aux finitions élaborées avec précision. Nos cabines acoustiques et les meubles de la collection complémentaire se démarquent, entre autres, par la haute qualité des matériaux utilisés, la configurabilité en termes de couleurs et d’aménagement, la facilité de déplacement et la mobilité des solutions et la technologie avancée des solutions.
Is your workplace neurodiversity-friendly? What changes do you think can be made to make everyone feel comfortable and able to make the most of their potential? 🤔Hushoffice acoustic pods are designed to best support the work of diverse teams and individuals, which makes them effective across the entire organization. Acoustic pods create a calm, distraction-free space for work, meetings or relaxation. 🧘By creating spaces that cater to the needs of neurodiverse individuals, companies ultimately build environments that enhance the productivity of all employees. 👌#hushoffice #neurodiversity #neuroatypical #autism #autisticemployees #asd #autismspectrum #adhd #ocd #workplace #officedesign #office #workplace #acousticsolutions #acousticpod #acouticpods #acousticbooth #acousticbooths

Is your workplace neurodiversity-friendly? What changes do you think can be made to make everyone feel comfortable and able to make the most of their potential? 🤔Hushoffice acoustic pods are designed to best support the work of diverse teams and individuals, which makes them effective across the entire organization. Acoustic pods create a calm, distraction-free space for work, meetings or relaxation. 🧘By creating spaces that cater to the needs of neurodiverse individuals, companies ultimately build environments that enhance the productivity of all employees. 👌#hushoffice #neurodiversity #neuroatypical #autism #autisticemployees #asd #autismspectrum #adhd #ocd #workplace #officedesign #office #workplace #acousticsolutions #acousticpod #acouticpods #acousticbooth #acousticbooths
⬇️ Wersja PL poniżej ⬇️The end of the year is packed with training opportunities thanks to Hushtrainer – our internal development program. 😊 In recent weeks, nearly 40 Hushoffice leaders and managers have had the chance to refresh their knowledge of labor law. 👌We also had a workshop on communication, the purpose of which was to highlight existing differences and work out a way to make sure they are not an obstacle to effective communication. 👍#hushoffice #hushtrainer #training #workshop #knowledge #laborlaw #communication #development #employee #employees #leader______Koniec roku obfituje w szkolenia w ramach Hushtrainer – wewnętrznego programu rozwojowego. 😊 W ostatnich tygodniach prawie 40 liderów i kierowników z naszego zespołu miało okazję zaktualizować swoją wiedzę w zakresie prawa pracy. 👌Przeprowadziliśmy również warsztat z komunikacji, którego celem było podkreślenie różnic i pracy nad tym, aby nie były one przeszkodą w skutecznej komunikacji. 👍#szkolenie #warsztat #wiedza #prawopracy #komunikacja #rozwój #pracownik #pracownicy #lider #kierownik

⬇️ Wersja PL poniżej ⬇️The end of the year is packed with training opportunities thanks to Hushtrainer – our internal development program. 😊 In recent weeks, nearly 40 Hushoffice leaders and managers have had the chance to refresh their knowledge of labor law. 👌We also had a workshop on communication, the purpose of which was to highlight existing differences and work out a way to make sure they are not an obstacle to effective communication. 👍#hushoffice #hushtrainer #training #workshop #knowledge #laborlaw #communication #development #employee #employees #leader______Koniec roku obfituje w szkolenia w ramach Hushtrainer – wewnętrznego programu rozwojowego. 😊 W ostatnich tygodniach prawie 40 liderów i kierowników z naszego zespołu miało okazję zaktualizować swoją wiedzę w zakresie prawa pracy. 👌Przeprowadziliśmy również warsztat z komunikacji, którego celem było podkreślenie różnic i pracy nad tym, aby nie były one przeszkodą w skutecznej komunikacji. 👍#szkolenie #warsztat #wiedza #prawopracy #komunikacja #rozwój #pracownik #pracownicy #lider #kierownik
Extroverts in the workplace have unique needs that affect their engagement and performance. The office design should cater to these needs, allowing their natural talents to shine. What to pay attention to? 🤔Themed zones, relaxation rooms or inspiring artwork in the office create unique and memorable experiences, which can significantly increase employee engagement and benefit the entire team. 👍Extroverts want to experience positive emotions on a regular basis, so the office should offer spaces that allow for frequent interaction, sharing of achievements, and get-togethers. A sound investment would be, therefore, common areas such as cafés or spacious meeting pods like hushFree.L or the hushSpot co-working table, which foster relationship building and teamwork. ▶️🤝Read the full article on our blog — link in BIO.#hushoffice #extrovert #personality #personalities #openoffice #hushoffice #officesolutions #officedesign #officeinteriors #agileoffice #agileofficefurniture #flexibleoffice #flexibleofficespace

Extroverts in the workplace have unique needs that affect their engagement and performance. The office design should cater to these needs, allowing their natural talents to shine. What to pay attention to? 🤔Themed zones, relaxation rooms or inspiring artwork in the office create unique and memorable experiences, which can significantly increase employee engagement and benefit the entire team. 👍Extroverts want to experience positive emotions on a regular basis, so the office should offer spaces that allow for frequent interaction, sharing of achievements, and get-togethers. A sound investment would be, therefore, common areas such as cafés or spacious meeting pods like hushFree.L or the hushSpot co-working table, which foster relationship building and teamwork. ▶️🤝Read the full article on our blog — link in BIO.#hushoffice #extrovert #personality #personalities #openoffice #hushoffice #officesolutions #officedesign #officeinteriors #agileoffice #agileofficefurniture #flexibleoffice #flexibleofficespace
Here’s a new addition to the Hushoffice family! 🆕 Designed for face-to-face and hybrid meetings, important conversations that require privacy, or creative sessions in teams of two, the hushFree.XM acoustic pod covers it all. 👌You can customize its interior according to your needs or use our ready-made set which includes a table and two two-seater sofas. 🛋 With 4000 K lighting at 500 lux at tabletop level and an efficient ventilation system, it allows longer and more comfortable sessions inside — for both on-site meetings and online conversations, under perfect acoustic conditions. 🔇 Thanks to a set of casters, the pod can be easily moved anywhere in the office without disassembly for maximum flexibility. Its universal design and color palette of the finish let you match its appearance with the look and style of your office. 🎨You can learn more on our website - link in BIO.#hushoffice #hushFreeXM #twopersonacousticpod #twopersonbooth #officepod #acousticpod #meeting #facetofacetalks #onlinecalls #focusedwork #conceptualwork #copactzsize #smallerofficespace #quietenvironment #flexibleofficespace

Here’s a new addition to the Hushoffice family! 🆕 Designed for face-to-face and hybrid meetings, important conversations that require privacy, or creative sessions in teams of two, the hushFree.XM acoustic pod covers it all. 👌You can customize its interior according to your needs or use our ready-made set which includes a table and two two-seater sofas. 🛋 With 4000 K lighting at 500 lux at tabletop level and an efficient ventilation system, it allows longer and more comfortable sessions inside — for both on-site meetings and online conversations, under perfect acoustic conditions. 🔇 Thanks to a set of casters, the pod can be easily moved anywhere in the office without disassembly for maximum flexibility. Its universal design and color palette of the finish let you match its appearance with the look and style of your office. 🎨You can learn more on our website - link in BIO.#hushoffice #hushFreeXM #twopersonacousticpod #twopersonbooth #officepod #acousticpod #meeting #facetofacetalks #onlinecalls #focusedwork #conceptualwork #copactzsize #smallerofficespace #quietenvironment #flexibleofficespace
Hushoffice acoustic pods support neuroatypical employees! 🤝 We are pleased to announce that our pods have met the requirements of the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES) and have been awarded the CAR – Certified Autism Resource – certificate. 🏆 This confirms that our pods meet the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and help create open, inclusive, and effective workplaces where all employees can work, meet, and talk in suitable conditions.#hushoffice #acousticpods #neurodiversity #neuroatypical #autism #inclusion #diversityandinclusion #accessibility #workplacewellness #officedesign #officespace #IBCCES #CARcertified #autismsupport #openspaceoffice #quietworkspaces #focuspods #sensoryfriendly #neurodiversityatwork

Hushoffice acoustic pods support neuroatypical employees! 🤝 We are pleased to announce that our pods have met the requirements of the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES) and have been awarded the CAR – Certified Autism Resource – certificate. 🏆 This confirms that our pods meet the needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and help create open, inclusive, and effective workplaces where all employees can work, meet, and talk in suitable conditions.#hushoffice #acousticpods #neurodiversity #neuroatypical #autism #inclusion #diversityandinclusion #accessibility #workplacewellness #officedesign #officespace #IBCCES #CARcertified #autismsupport #openspaceoffice #quietworkspaces #focuspods #sensoryfriendly #neurodiversityatwork
⬇️ Wersja PL poniżej ⬇️We’re excited to announce that we’ve completed the Lean Green Belt certification program! 🎉 This achievement is the result of the hard work, commitment, and determination of our employees, making the continuous improvement strategy adopted in our organization a huge success. 🏅Now, we can optimize operations more effectively, which will translate into higher customer satisfaction and lower operating costs. Together, we are striving to achieve a competitive advantage, and the skills we have acquired will certainly bring tangible benefits at all levels of our company. 📈Watch the video and see what initiatives have been taken by particular groups. Congratulations to all the teams! 👏 We’re super proud of you! Here’s to many more achievements in the future! We believe that thanks to your efforts, our organization will be able to meet the increasing demands of the market. Thank you all for your incredible commitment! Together, we’re taking a step towards excellence! 💪#hushoffice #certification #certificate #development #lean #greenbelt #employee #employees___Z radością ogłaszamy, że zakończyliśmy certyfikację Lean Green Belt! 🎉 To niezwykłe osiągnięcie jest efektem ciężkiej pracy, zaangażowania i determinacji naszych Pracowników, które przyczyniły się do realizacji strategii ciągłego doskonalenia w naszej Organizacji. 🏅Dzięki certyfikatom możemy skuteczniej optymalizować działania, co przełoży się na wyższą satysfakcję naszych Klientów, a także na obniżenie kosztów operacyjnych. Wspólnie dążymy do osiągnięcia przewagi konkurencyjnej, a zdobyte umiejętności z pewnością przyniosą wymierne korzyści na wszystkich poziomach naszej firmy. 📈Obejrzyj wideo i zobacz, jakie inicjatywy zostały zrealizowane przez poszczególne grupy. Serdecznie gratulujemy wszystkim zespołom! 👏 Jesteśmy dumni i czekamy na kolejne sukcesy. Wierzymy, że dzięki Waszym wysiłkom nasza Organizacja będzie mogła sprostać coraz większym wymaganiom rynku. Dziękujemy wszystkim za ogromne zaangażowanie! Razem stawiamy krok ku doskonałości! 💪#certyfikacja #certyfikat #rozwój #pracownicy #pracownik

⬇️ Wersja PL poniżej ⬇️We’re excited to announce that we’ve completed the Lean Green Belt certification program! 🎉 This achievement is the result of the hard work, commitment, and determination of our employees, making the continuous improvement strategy adopted in our organization a huge success. 🏅Now, we can optimize operations more effectively, which will translate into higher customer satisfaction and lower operating costs. Together, we are striving to achieve a competitive advantage, and the skills we have acquired will certainly bring tangible benefits at all levels of our company. 📈Watch the video and see what initiatives have been taken by particular groups. Congratulations to all the teams! 👏 We’re super proud of you! Here’s to many more achievements in the future! We believe that thanks to your efforts, our organization will be able to meet the increasing demands of the market. Thank you all for your incredible commitment! Together, we’re taking a step towards excellence! 💪#hushoffice #certification #certificate #development #lean #greenbelt #employee #employees___Z radością ogłaszamy, że zakończyliśmy certyfikację Lean Green Belt! 🎉 To niezwykłe osiągnięcie jest efektem ciężkiej pracy, zaangażowania i determinacji naszych Pracowników, które przyczyniły się do realizacji strategii ciągłego doskonalenia w naszej Organizacji. 🏅Dzięki certyfikatom możemy skuteczniej optymalizować działania, co przełoży się na wyższą satysfakcję naszych Klientów, a także na obniżenie kosztów operacyjnych. Wspólnie dążymy do osiągnięcia przewagi konkurencyjnej, a zdobyte umiejętności z pewnością przyniosą wymierne korzyści na wszystkich poziomach naszej firmy. 📈Obejrzyj wideo i zobacz, jakie inicjatywy zostały zrealizowane przez poszczególne grupy. Serdecznie gratulujemy wszystkim zespołom! 👏 Jesteśmy dumni i czekamy na kolejne sukcesy. Wierzymy, że dzięki Waszym wysiłkom nasza Organizacja będzie mogła sprostać coraz większym wymaganiom rynku. Dziękujemy wszystkim za ogromne zaangażowanie! Razem stawiamy krok ku doskonałości! 💪#certyfikacja #certyfikat #rozwój #pracownicy #pracownik
While some see an open-plan office as a noisy, chaotic space where it’s nearly impossible to focus, others thrive in such environments, appreciating the collaborative and bustling atmosphere. 🔊 The latter are extroverts, who are often more talkative and love settings that encourage open dialog. 🗣️ Standing desks, communal walking paths for informal meetings, breakout spaces with movable furniture — the open plan combines two of their favorite elements: motion and people. 🚶Vibrant colors, varied textures, expressive lighting and elements of decor act as spices in the workday of a stimulus-loving extrovert. ️🎨 Adapting the office to the needs of extroverts improves their experience, but also enriches the work culture for all. 👍 When extroverts can naturally engage in organic conversations and celebrate achievements together in well-designed communal spaces, the overall atmosphere becomes more lively, stimulating, inspiring, and welcoming. 😊Read our article and find out how to create such an office space — link BIO.#hushoffice #extrovert #personality #personalities #openoffice #hushoffice #officesolutions #officedesign #officeinteriors #agileoffice #agileofficefurniture #flexibleoffice #flexibleofficespace

While some see an open-plan office as a noisy, chaotic space where it’s nearly impossible to focus, others thrive in such environments, appreciating the collaborative and bustling atmosphere. 🔊 The latter are extroverts, who are often more talkative and love settings that encourage open dialog. 🗣️ Standing desks, communal walking paths for informal meetings, breakout spaces with movable furniture — the open plan combines two of their favorite elements: motion and people. 🚶Vibrant colors, varied textures, expressive lighting and elements of decor act as spices in the workday of a stimulus-loving extrovert. ️🎨 Adapting the office to the needs of extroverts improves their experience, but also enriches the work culture for all. 👍 When extroverts can naturally engage in organic conversations and celebrate achievements together in well-designed communal spaces, the overall atmosphere becomes more lively, stimulating, inspiring, and welcoming. 😊Read our article and find out how to create such an office space — link BIO.#hushoffice #extrovert #personality #personalities #openoffice #hushoffice #officesolutions #officedesign #officeinteriors #agileoffice #agileofficefurniture #flexibleoffice #flexibleofficespace
⬇️ Wersja PL poniżej ⬇️A company is its people, and our employees are our best brand ambassadors. 😊 Believing in the power of referrals and networking, we’re happy to be making the most of our internal Referral Program. Hushoffice employees refer their friends to us and receive bonuses in return, but also get the opportunity to shape the work environment. 🤗 Thanks to referrals, we’ve hired more than 20 employees in less than two years! 😍 #referralprogram #recommendation #recommendations #employee #employees______Firmę tworzą ludzie, dlatego nasi Pracownicy są jej najlepszymi ambasadorami. 😊 Wierząc w moc rekomendacji, chętnie korzystamy z naszego wewnętrznego Programu Poleceń. Pracownicy Hushoffice rekomendują nam swoich znajomych do pracy, a w zamian otrzymują premie, ale również współtworzą nasze środowisko pracy. 🤗 Dzięki rekomendacjom przez niecałe dwa lata zatrudniliśmy ponad 20 Pracowników! 😍#programpoleceń #rekomdendacja #rekomendacje #pracownik #pracownicy

⬇️ Wersja PL poniżej ⬇️A company is its people, and our employees are our best brand ambassadors. 😊 Believing in the power of referrals and networking, we’re happy to be making the most of our internal Referral Program. Hushoffice employees refer their friends to us and receive bonuses in return, but also get the opportunity to shape the work environment. 🤗 Thanks to referrals, we’ve hired more than 20 employees in less than two years! 😍 #referralprogram #recommendation #recommendations #employee #employees______Firmę tworzą ludzie, dlatego nasi Pracownicy są jej najlepszymi ambasadorami. 😊 Wierząc w moc rekomendacji, chętnie korzystamy z naszego wewnętrznego Programu Poleceń. Pracownicy Hushoffice rekomendują nam swoich znajomych do pracy, a w zamian otrzymują premie, ale również współtworzą nasze środowisko pracy. 🤗 Dzięki rekomendacjom przez niecałe dwa lata zatrudniliśmy ponad 20 Pracowników! 😍#programpoleceń #rekomdendacja #rekomendacje #pracownik #pracownicy
Les cabines acoustiques Hushoffice sont des espaces de travail et de réunion mobiles uniques conçues pour minimiser les interférences sonores empêchant les utilisateurs de se concentrer sur leur tâche. Une grande partie des employés sont incapables de se concentrer sur leurs tâches dans des espaces ouverts, ce qui entraîne des tensions et du stress et contribue à réduire l’efficacité du travail qu’ils effectuent.
Les cabines acoustiques sont conçues pour atténuer et réduire efficacement le volume de la parole et du bruit dans les bureaux. La cabine acoustique réduit les sons excessifs afin d’assurer un confort acoustique adéquat pour le travail. Le volume moyen de la parole humaine est de 60-75 dB. Les cabines acoustiques réduisent ce niveau jusqu’à 30 dB. Seuls 30 dB environ du son produit dans la cabine s’en échappent et pénètrent dans le bureau ouvert. C’est le niveau d’un murmure d’homme – vous pouvez donc vous sentir à l’aise et confortable pendant le travail. Ce que vous dites dans la cabine acoustique ne sera ni entendu ni compris par les autres personnes qui se trouvent dans l’espace de bureau ouvert à l’extérieur de la cabine.

Nous ne sommes pas seulement fabricant de cabines acoustiques pour le bureau. Nous concevons et créons des espaces de travail et de réunion flexibles. Dans un environnement de bureau en constante évolution, nous aidons les équipes en leur fournissant des solutions personnalisées pour répondre à leurs besoins. Nous mettons à profit nos compétences en matière de conception et de fabrication de mobilier de bureau pour créer des espaces de travail qui aident nos clients à suivre le rythme du changement. Nous créons des espaces de travail où chacun peut travailler comme il le souhaite, selon ses préférences et besoins.
BLOG – Consultez les articles plus récents
Voici hushFree.XS, la cabine d'appel compacte
Une confidentialité acoustique de premier ordre. Une ventilation efficace. Une mobilité facile. Découvrons hushFree.XS, la nouvelle cabine d’appel ultra-compacte
Découvrez la cabine de travail hushFree.S.Hybrid pour les appels vidéo
Dans notre monde de travail hybride, les appels vidéo sont essentiels. Voici hushFree.S.Hybrid, une cabine offrante une confidentialité totale des conversations!
Découvrez (3) cabines acoustiques hushFree pour une concentration indépendante !
Ce trio de cabines de travail hushFree pour 1 personne fera de votre bureau un havre de calme où chaque type de travail indépendant trouvera sa place.