The power of the power nap
- Posted on: 9 March 2023
- By: Hushoffice Team
Workplace Napping Day is coming right up this March 13th. To celebrate it, we’ve highlighted the power of the power nap and collected tips for becoming a team of moderate cat nappers.
Power naps at work – tl;dr
Power naps can increase mental acuity, help you overcome the 2PM slump, reduce stress, improve your mood, help you integrate new skills, and make you more creative.
Some of history’s greatest sang the praises of napping, including Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali, and Napoleon Bonaparte. Modern companies like Google, Zappos, Uber, PwC, Ben & Jerry’s, and Cisco have generous napping policies.
To establish a culture of moderate napping, create excellent nap spaces, set clear expectations around napping, share nap tips, and encourage non-nappers to take breaks, too.
It turns out power naps are powerful when done right. They’re a cost-effective way to boost productivity, reduce stress, and better overall well-being. Pods make terrific nap spaces, so we’re happy to recognize a day that calls for periodic rest and recuperation in the form of quick cat naps at work
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
Some of history’s greatest swore by napping.
Einstein called naps his “little bedroom gymnastics,” which honed his problem-solving flair. Salvador Dali famously originated the “slumber with a key” method of creative ideation, saying it was responsible for some of his best works. The list goes on to include da Vinci and Bonaparte.
Needless to say, they were clearly on to something.
Successful companies are down with napping.
Arianna Huffington predicts nap rooms will one day be “as common as conference rooms.” In fact, Google, Zappos, Uber, PwC, Ben & Jerry’s, and Cisco are among the many companies that have generous napping policies.

Naps can increase mental acuity.
They are proven to boost cognition. After all, it’s hard to stay on task when you’re tired. A nap can give you a second wind, letting you return to work with strong chi and crisp focus. Hence NASA pilots often take 26-minute in-flight naps, boosting their alertness and reaction time.
Naps can help you overcome the 2PM slump.
81% of people have an afternoon crash. Though it feels like you’re hitting a wall when this post-lunch lull sets in, a quick doze can curb the crash. “The siesta turns one day into two; on rising you begin again with new energy” said Winston Churchill.
Naps can bust stress.
“When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap,” says writer Tom Hodgkinson who speaks to the benefits of naps. He’s got it right; power naps can reduce stress and even reverse the hormonal impact of a poor night’s sleep. They boost the immune system and reduce blood cortisol levels, too.

Naps can improve your mood and make you more measured.
A recent study of amateur athletes found that those who took a nap reported a drop in negative emotions like tension, depression, and anger. Similarly, a 2015 study indicates that nappers show a decrease in self-reported impulsivity and an increase in tolerance for frustration.
Naps can also stimulate creative thought.
There’s a period of creativity in the semi-lucid state that occurs just as one drifts off. “If we can harness that liminal haze between sleep and wakefulness… we might recall our bright ideas more easily,” writes the Scientific American. Edison is yet another giant who napped for these reasons.

Naps can help us learn new skills.
Science shows it’s not just practice, but practice and sleep that “makes perfect.” Yes, sleep plays a vital role in skill development by helping us integrate new information. And even an ultra-short nap is sufficient to enhance memory processing.
The Dalai Lama spoke to this rebooting aspect of naps, saying, “sleep is the best meditation.”
The research indicates that naps can be particularly beneficial for knowledge workers – anyone who uses their intellect to create, process, and apply knowledge in their work or solves problems and makes decisions each day
– adds Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
The trick to a powerful power nap: keep it short and sweet.
“There is more refreshment and stimulation in a nap, even of the briefest, than in all the alcohol ever distilled,” says author Edward Lucas. The key is to keep it brief. 10-30 minutes. 10 minutes is the ideal length, immediately improving fatigue, vigor, and cognition. But a 30-minute nap has recuperative effects (on mood and output), too.

Establishing a culture of moderate napping takes deliberate action.
On a typical day, only a third of the adults (34%) in the United States take a nap. What gives?
Some employees may feel that taking a nap during the workday is unprofessional or cuts into their productivity. They may worry of being judged by others for napping. Their office may also lack nap spaces altogether. The good news is, these hurdles can be overcome by a few simple measures, helping you become a team that naps in moderation and reaps the rewards of the occasional siesta
– explains Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
What makes for an excellent nap space?
A good nap space is quiet, dim, cozy, private, and calm.
Quiet Quietude is essential for a good nap, as noise can be distracting and disruptive. So your nap spaces should be free from loud or sudden noises, such as conversation, phone rings, or slamming doors. A white noise machine may help.
Dim Darkness helps promote repose. Make your nap spaces dim using blackout curtains, space dividers, or by painting the space’s walls in a dark hue. Consider supplying employees with high-quality sleep masks and earplugs, too.
Cozy Comfort is a prerequisite to relaxation. Your nap spaces should have comfortable seating with supportive pillows. Ideally, each nap space’s temperature and ventilation should be adjustable, too. To help accommodate unique preferences, equip each space with a fan or two and blankets
Private Privacy makes people feel secure and safe enough to decompress. So office nap spaces should be free from interruptive stimuli, such as passersby and random visitors
Calm A minimal, sparse aesthetic with soft, soothing colors is best.

1. Set clear expectations around napping.
To promote a positive napping culture, communicate nap duration and window guidelines. Nap spaces and booking procedures should be clear, too. Rules of conduct help ensure everyone’s privacy is always respected, nappers and non-nappers alike.
2. Share nap tips.
Keep it short (10-30 minutes). Nap in the early afternoon, the most favorable nap time. Try a “coffee nap” if it’s not too late in the day. Wake up without an alarm clock to reduce sleep inertia. And take a few minutes to move your body post-nap.
3. Encourage non-nappers to take breaks, too.
Some people just aren’t nappers. Encourage people to take breaks, whether to nap or to go for a constitutional, regardless. Check out our blog for pointers on what makes a quality break: Become more resilient by prioritizing recovery.
Workplace Napping Day is about employee wellness.
It’s celebrated around the world as a way to herald the benefits of napping and encourage employers to create a nap-friendly workplace culture. So when the day comes, urge your team to take a short nap during the workday. You never know how a little R&R might benefit everyone in the long run.
Power naps at work – tl;dr
Power naps can increase mental acuity, help you overcome the 2PM slump, reduce stress, improve your mood, help you integrate new skills, and make you more creative.
Some of history’s greatest sang the praises of napping, including Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali, and Napoleon Bonaparte. Modern companies like Google, Zappos, Uber, PwC, Ben & Jerry’s, and Cisco have generous napping policies.
To establish a culture of moderate napping, create excellent nap spaces, set clear expectations around napping, share nap tips, and encourage non-nappers to take breaks, too.
Power naps at work – frequently asked questions
What is Workplace Napping Day?
National Workplace Napping Day is a day for employers to urge their employees to take a quick nap for their overall well-being.
How can I promote a positive napping culture?
Encourage leaders and managers to take a nap, communicating to their peers that napping is acceptable and encouraged. Outfit a space or two in the office into quiet, dim, cozy, private, and calm nap spaces. Allow employees to nap in their car if they’re more comfortable that way.
What makes for a quality nap space in the office?
A quality nap space is quiet, dim, cozy, private, and calm.