Pet-friendly offices boast serious benefits
- Posted on: 13 March 2024
- By: Hushoffice Team
In celebration of National Puppy Day March 23rd, we’re broadcasting the benefits that animal-friendly workplaces enjoy. For employees, reduced stress, natural positivity, easier team dynamics, and better productivity top the list. And there’s so much more. Let’s take a look.
Pet-friendly office – tl;dr
A whopping 91% of employees in pet-friendly plus offices are more engaged at work. 67% say they are therefore more productive. And 85% say they rarely miss work due to poor well-being. It is so, pets bring joy and presence. Science will confirm that simply petting a dog or cat greatly curb stress.
If you are struggling to get employees back in the office, you may consider becoming a pet-friendly workplace. An incredible 91% of employees in pet-friendly workplaces report that their company promotes good work-life balance. And, incidentally, work-life balance is one of the main aspects workers fear losing in returning to the office. So by accepting pets, you may make your office more desirable to employees, granting them the pleasure of having their furry friend with them all day.
Though the vast majority of employees are all for having pets in the office, there will always be exceptions. Allergies to cats and dogs affect 10-20% of the world’s population. Similarly, some people just aren’t interested in animals. To make your pet policy a success, it is thus essential to designate pet-free workspaces in the office such as Hushoffice pods, like hushMeet meeting pod, and hushAccess.L large booth up to 6 people.
The majority of employees want to bring their pets to work.
94% of people are “for” having pets in the workplace. 76% say having pets in the office makes for a positive overall experience. This makes sense. Pets are universally loved! And they impact one’s frame-of-mind and mental state for the better almost immediately.

Bringing pets to the office can really make a difference in how we feel at work. Dogs or cats are like little friendship ambassadors, bringing us together as we interact with them. Taking a break to cuddle with the office furball or stroll with a pup can recharge our batteries and get those creative juices flowing as well. And it’s not just about work — employees who hang out with their pet throughout the workday often feel happier and more connected. Clients and partners like it too. Animals simply create a warm, welcoming vibe that can turn a meeting into a memorable chat over a wagging tail or a purring kitty
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
The physical health benefits of an animal-friendly office policy are outstanding.
Scientific research consistently shows that pets improve our mood, decrease stress, provide social support, increase our quality of life, lower our blood pressure, elevate oxytocin levels in the brain, and even lower the risk of a heart attack. Wow. Dogs really might be man’s best friend.
A dog walk is a perfect movement break, and periodic breaks boost performance.
Physical activity tends to go with pet ownership. In fact, dog owners are 34% more likely to meet the recommended 150 weekly walking minutes than non-owners. Walking a dog can improve cardiovascular fitness and lower blood pressure while getting you outside. It might be the ideal work break.
Read more about the importance of taking breaks at work: Give me a microbreak!
So are pets distracting? Au contraire. Pets can make employees more productive.
Those who bring their dogs to work report a 33% increased absorption in their work and a 16% increase in dedication to it. These percentages show that pets in the office boost employee engagement, which is an ultimate driver of business outcomes.
67% of people who work in pet-friendly offices report being more productive.
The numbers consistently show that making accommodations for pets in the office proves to be a comparatively simple way to improve an organization’s outcomes. And all without investing in new spatial solutions or even working out adjustments to complicated company policy. Indeed, research from the University of Lincoln has shown employees who regularly bring their dogs to work report 22% higher satisfaction with their working conditions
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
Studies at Washington State University found when people engaged with dogs, their executive function — governing their ability to think, focus, and plan — was significantly improved. Beautifully, the positive impact lasted six weeks following “dog contact.”
Engagement is largely to thank for the increased performance seen in pet-friendly offices. A whopping 91% of employees in pet-friendly plus offices are more fully engaged with their work. This is compared to 65% in non-pet-friendly offices.
Pet ownership is associated with better verbal memory and fluency. If dogs and cats can benefit us so greatly at home, perhaps we may consider bringing their influence to the office.
Animals relieve stress by bringing joy and presence.
The healing power of animals is well-studied. 85% of employees in pet-friendly offices rarely miss work for recuperation, no doubt in part for nearly half of those with pets at work report a more relaxed atmosphere. Science will confirm that simply petting animals alleviates stress.
Dog-friendly offices attract loyal employees.
66% of HR personnel say interviewees ask about pets. In fact, half of employees say pet-friendliness is important — that pet-friendly perks could convince them to take an offer. Moreover, 46% say they would be more likely to recommend their employer if pets were allowed in the office.

88% of employees in pet-friendly offices plan to stay for at least a year.
In fact, a remarkable 90% of employees in pet-friendly workplaces feel highly connected to their company’s mission, are fully engaged with their work, and are happy to recommend their employer. In contrast, less than 65% of employees in non-pet-friendly workplaces make the same claims.
91% of employees in pet-friendly offices feel in their company good work-life balance.
In the US, 23M households got a pet during the pandemic. Incidentally, 67% of today’s pet owners say they’d consider quitting if their employer stopped offering remote work. 78% of this cohort would consider staying with their company if allowed to bring their dog to the office.

Let’s talk socialization. Pets break the ice, making it easier for colleagues to “click.”
Nearly everyone can relate to a sweet animal. It follows that employees at pet-friendly workplaces are 3X more likely to have positive working relationships — that dogs in the office ultimately make people more likely to get to know each other.
Having a dog in the office can spark conversations and bring colleagues together regardless of their position or hierarchy. It creates a shared interest that fosters natural connection and makes it easier for people to interact. Taking breaks to play with a pet also breaks up the monotony of the day. These interactions thus help break down barriers and strengthen bonds, ultimately creating a more familial and comfortable atmosphere. Moreover, employees tend to develop greater compassion and understanding for their colleagues when they share a personal bond with them through a pet
– explains Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
What you should know about a pet policy. First steps.
The key to a successful pet policy is to talk to your team, specify the rules, screen your office pets, and prepare your workplace for animals.

1. Survey your team.
Gather everyone’s thoughts and learn of any allergies or personal aversions. Differences of opinion may even be generational; millennials are considerably more likely to desire pet-friendly workplaces than their Generation X and Boomer counterparts.
2. Draft a comprehensive policy.
Details such as breeds, required temperaments, and office etiquette should be specified. Be sure to broadcast your policy and the consequences of noncompliance. You want to anticipate any issues, e.g., if a pet becomes too distracting.
3. “Vet” out your pets
You will want to ensure every pet has the right, sociable temperament to hang out in the office all day. Every office pet should be relatively relaxed, amicable to others, and able to thrive in a dynamic workplace.
For reference, consider some of the following dog parameters recommended by the Woofice “Pets in the Workplace” Guide
- Spayed/neutered
- Up-to-date vaccinations
- Free of parasites, ticks, and fleas
- No recent history (6 months) of infection or ringworm
- Microchipped
- House-trained
- Obedient
4. Prepare your office space for animals
Plants, writing utensils, and food must be out of reach in addition. Cords and wires should be covered as well as trash receptacles. Generally, you want anything a dog (or cat) may “get into” to be safely stowed away.
Final tip: designate “pet-free” spaces in the office.
While many employees warmly embrace the idea of having pets around, some may have allergies or simply fear animals. Establishing “no dog zones” within the office is therefore key. These areas will help ensure that all employees can work comfortably and without worry.
Hushoffice pods make terrific pet-free spaces.
Hushoffice work booths, like hushMeet meeting pod, and hushAccess.L large conference booth, serve perfectly as a pet-friendly office’s necessary pet-free spaces. They are seclusive and contained, with adjustable lights and ventilation, giving employees the calm, cozy, commotion-free space needed in their bustling, animal-filled workplace.
Pet-friendly office – summary
A whopping 91% of employees in pet-friendly plus offices are more engaged at work. 67% say they are therefore more productive. And 85% say they rarely miss work due to poor well-being. It is so, pets bring joy and presence. Science will confirm that simply petting a dog or cat greatly curb stress.
If you are struggling to get employees back in the office, you may consider becoming a pet-friendly workplace. An incredible 91% of employees in pet-friendly workplaces report that their company promotes good work-life balance. And, incidentally, work-life balance is one of the main aspects workers fear losing in returning to the office. So by accepting pets, you may make your office more desirable to employees, granting them the pleasure of having their furry friend with them all day.
Though the vast majority of employees are all for having pets in the office, there will always be exceptions. Allergies to cats and dogs affect 10-20% of the world’s population. Similarly, some people just aren’t interested in animals. To make your pet policy a success, it is thus essential to designate pet-free workspaces in the office such as Hushoffice pods, like hushMeet meeting pod, and hushAccess.L large booth up to 6 people.
Animal-friendly office – frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of an animal-friendly office?
Firstly, it fosters a positive atmosphere. Animal companionship reduces stress, as interactions with animals have been shown to lower cortisol levels and elevate mood. Additionally, having pets in the workplace encourages physical activity. Short walks and play breaks promote overall health and well-being. Moreover, team cohesion and communication can be enhanced by animals. Shared responsibility for pet care encourages collaboration and bonding among coworkers. Furthermore, an animal-friendly environment can attract and retain talent, as it reflects a progressive and employee-centric culture.
What are the necessary components of an office pet policy?
Clear guidelines regarding which types of pets are allowed should be established. This includes specifying species or sizes of animals that are permitted. It should also specify requirements for vaccinations, health checks, or behavioral assessments. Additionally, your pet policy should outline designated pet-friendly areas within the office and establish “no pet zones.” Responsibilities for pet care, such as feeding, grooming, and waste disposal, must be clearly defined, too. It’s likewise essential to address liability issues, including potential damages or injuries caused by pets, and to provide steps for resolving conflicts or concerns related to pet ownership in the workplace.
What are some statistics proving the benefits of pet-friendly office policies?
Those who bring their dogs to work report a 33% increased immersion in their work. They also report a 16% increase in devotion to their work. It follows that 67% of people who work in pet-friendly offices report being more productive. Relatedly, employees who regularly bring their dogs to the office report 22% higher satisfaction with their working conditions.