Hush the noise. Good office acoustics make everyone feel better.
- Posted on: 30 January 2024
- By: Hushoffice Team
Sound orchestrates a workplace’s ebb and flow positively or negatively. It influences the mood and thinking power of every employee. Hushoffice acoustic booths are unique spatial solutions designed in light of this fact. They make the office more peaceful and quiet for everyone.
Good office acoustics make everyone feel better – tl;dr
Environmental noise affects workers immediately and deeply. It has a measurable effect on performance and well-being, either better or for worse. In the office, acoustics can make or break an organization’s success.
Intelligible speech is shown to be one of the most distracting sources of noise in a workplace. As such, mind should be paid specifically to its management. The workplace’s soundscape can only be enhanced when noise from video calls, team gatherings, and colleague chit chat are addressed.
Because they function as perfect, sound-insulating spots for team discussions, phone calls, and other activities that produce ample intelligible speech, Hushoffice acoustic workplace pods are one of the most effective spatial solutions that accommodate key work tasks while significantly reducing the amount of speech on the floor.
Why is office noise such a serious problem?
While a storm wears down the most resilient landscape, continuous, irritating sound gradually erodes the focus and overall attitude of even the most devoted employees. For like steady downpour on the delicate petals of focus, office noise can wash away every seed of focus.
Excessive noise elevates stress levels and disrupts critical thinking.
In every case, acoustics are crucial to a work environment’s functionality. Noise is shown to hinder productivity and overall job satisfaction. And when it is basically persistent, it is both mentally and physically fatiguing.
76% of office workers list noise as a crucial workplace factor. Still, only 30% are pleased with their office’s overall sound atmosphere.
A worrying 71% of workplace distractions are caused by noise. Unsurprisingly, human-created sounds are one of the most disruptive forms of noise. Other people’s voices, in particular, are often cited as the worst source of interruptions in an office.
Lively open workplaces are linked to anxiety. It follows that more than half of employees working in noisy offices have significant job stress. Women, in particular, suffer the most impaired mental health due to such environmental noise.
The main sources of office noise. Conversations, equipment, and echoes.
Chitchat, printer whines, and reverb are ripe in open spaces. But by employing a few changes, these troubles are nearly if not completely solved. For instance, quiet zones, acoustic panels, and the strategic placement of equipment for better noise insulation can be transformative on their own.

Consequences of chronic noise exposure in the office. Stress to burnout.
Prolonged exposure to office noise impacts mental health in ways that are considerable and concerning. When focus is repeatedly stunted, memory retention and cognitive clarity over time suffer in addition to simple task completion. For when the human brain is forced to process a large volume of sound and other inputs, it must exert equal energy to filter out the distractions. Exhaustion results, which obviously curbs efficiency
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
When we grapple with too much stimuli, cognition declines, resulting in errors and upset. So an office bustling with an assortment of activity that competes for everyone’s attention will invariably produce strain and often burnout. Sights and sounds play the most immediate and profound role.
Read: Does an open plan office burn employees out?
Solid acoustics shape a better mood, helping employees perform well.
Sound is the music to every moment. A finely crafted office soundscape has the capacity to help make everyone feel more comfortable, work more efficiently, and, ultimately, take more enjoyment in their job.
Acoustic comfort is an ergonomic matter.
Acoustic comfort is the employee’s ease felt within the office soundscape. As highlighted, a space that is acoustically imbalanced causes measurable discomfort. On the other hand, an office engineered for acoustic comfort at the individual level will just feel right for everyone.
Sound is, indeed, physical. Thus, exposure to high or sustained levels of it generates stress by way of heightened cortisol levels. This accelerated stress response may manifest as muscle tension, a headache, or just uneasy anxiety. The field of psychoacoustics shows us just how profoundly sound is processed by the brain in this way, via an intricate relationship between stimuli and psychological responses. Naturally, this relationship is of great concern in the workplace, where our ability to think and keep up a proper attitude toward work are integral
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
Improved concentration; improved efficiency.
Every acoustic environment supports or prevents attention. As a reference point, when an employee is subjected to just one conversation being held nearby, their productivity is cut by 66%. A calm and conducive setting is, thus, without disruptive sounds, honoring everyone’s bandwidth.
Privacy and quietude go together.
Privacy and acoustic comfort are seamlessly entwined. A white noise machine masks conversations with workbench neighbors, affording such dialogue more discretion while preserving the space’s hush. Desktop dividers create separation between workstations, giving quietude while enhancing individual sense of personal space. In this case, project teams can cluster together with less bother to or from others. Then there are pods, which play to this inherent union of privacy and acoustics especially well! An employee retreats to a quiet work pod or booth like hushHybrid for uninterrupted thinking. They are more than liberated of background sound — they are embraced in a refuge where privacy is impenetrable
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
Good office acoustics make for great team communication.
With noise under control by the right solutions like pods and booths, speech is made intelligible, focus during every correspondence is protected, and confidentiality is up to par. Without a doubt, a well-designed soundscape goes hand in hand with more effective and professional communication.

Speech privacy is requisite to a competent image.
In cases of sensitive or priority one-on-one meetings, a pod like hushMeet is the best meeting location. It is masterfully noise-insulated. Both parties can feel open and free to talk candidly and with confidence within such a pod, unself-conscious of being listened to.
User-controlled, Hushoffice cabins boost productivity.
Employees with control over their workspace perform better. Personal control is actually one of the greatest factors on an employee’s satisfaction with their office. Hushoffice pods, with fixable lights and ventilation, serve to help employees do their best work (and find harmony in the office).
Acoustic meet pods are preferred to conference rooms by today’s employees.
Some deem conference rooms the least loved space in the office. It is true employees prefer a homier, more sound-proofed, and more democratic feeling meeting area than the stodgy conference room. Comfortable and acoustically impeccable, pods fit the bill..

Less stimuli. Fewer interruptions. A more relaxed and effective working environment.
Pods are premium call and meet spaces. Insulating speech and group talk, they prevent undesirable floor noise. And a single one befits those both within and without it. Inside, you are lost in the presentation; but by trapping all meeting noise, the pod also boosts focus for everyone on the floor.
Work location freedom. Acoustic comfort of the utmost quality.
Given a pick of varied workspaces in the office per preferences and task types, employees can realize the agility organizations need to flourish. For work of intense focus, quiet pods with simple, functional interiors like hushMeet are available. For collaboration, open project tables sit by.
HushHybrid, hushMeet, and hushAccess.L give employees freedom.
HushHybrid is a 1-person pod for focused work and video meetings; hushMeet, a 4-person team booth; hushAccess.L, a large conference cabin. Each model is aptly sized for a specific scope of tasks. And together, they give employees more choice in how to work within the office.
Draw employees back to the office with Hushoffice work and team-meeting booths.
Autonomy is what today’s employees seek, having gotten used to it during the WFH era. Hushoffice pods afford more autonomy by giving people more control over their work environment: noise levels, light quality, and ventilation.

Are you ready for more peace-and-quiet? Freedom? Functional flow navigating the workplace? Check out the Hushoffice collection of pods and booths.
Good office acoustics make everyone feel better – summary
Environmental noise affects workers immediately and deeply. It has a measurable effect on performance and well-being, either better or for worse. In the office, acoustics can make or break an organization’s success.
Intelligible speech is shown to be one of the most distracting sources of noise in a workplace. As such, mind should be paid specifically to its management. The workplace’s soundscape can only be enhanced when noise from video calls, team gatherings, and colleague chit chat are addressed.
Because they function as perfect, sound-insulating spots for team discussions, phone calls, and other activities that produce ample intelligible speech, Hushoffice acoustic workplace pods are one of the most effective spatial solutions that accommodate key work tasks while significantly reducing the amount of speech on the floor.
Office noise and office acoustics – frequently asked questions
How do office acoustics improve well-being?
By mitigating disruptive noises and creating a tranquil atmosphere, quality acoustics alleviate stress. The provision of speech privacy is a critical piece of this puzzle: it not only ensures confidentiality but also contributes to a healthy sense of personal space. The clear communication facilitated by effective acoustics promotes seamless collaboration among teams. This improves social interactions and teamwork, assisting in relational wellness. Lastly, a reduction in ambient noise levels not only combats fatigue but also heightens employee moods, creating a more pleasant workspace generally.
How does burnout influence health and job performance?
According to the data, burnt-out employees have a 57% increased risk of workplace absence greater than two weeks due to illness, a 180% increased risk of developing depressive disorders, and an 84% increased risk of Type 2 diabetes. One of the most promising ways to address this problem is to make your office quieter. Make provisions for private work and meeting spaces like pods that simultaneously function as peaceful work spots while limiting stressful noise on the floor by containing it.
What are the most distracting sources of noise in an office?
One study indicates that irrelevant speech, chatting, and telephone ringing are the main noise sources that cause performance loss, stress, and discomfort from interruptions and inadequate privacy.