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Digital nomads are here to stay, so to speak
A compact office pod for vital, face to face conversations.
An easily accessible workpod that sits up to 4 persons.
Acoustic meeting pod, accessible to persons with mobility impairments.
With the new hushHybrid office pod designed for remote meetings, your colleagues and business partners can feel as if they are right next to you.
The hushPhone booth radically improves the comfort of work for the entire office.
Though hushWork is not assigned to anybody in particular, anyone using it can feel like the space was made just for them.
HushMeet.L is a modular acoustic think tank room designed for meetings involving up to 8 people.
Owing to the closed structure and the acoustic materials used, every participant of a hushMeet.s meeting feels 100% at home.
A soundproofed meeting space that comfortably accomodates 4 people.
A mobile room divider that designates office space and facilitates teamwork.
HushSpot is a modern multi-station hotdesking table, a comprehensively equipped workspace for anyone who does not have a permanently assigned workstation.
The hushFree.S acoustic booth is designed for individual work, longer videoconferences and telephone calls.
HushFree.M is an acoustically comfortable booth for the office, which is ideal for face-to-face and hybrid meetings, important conversations requiring privacy, team meetings or creative work.
The large hushFree.L acoustic booth is an ideal alternative to traditional conference rooms.
HushWork is an independent, mobile acoustic solution created to let you work how you want – your way.
Two independent, soundproofed workstations suitable for smaller offices.
A semi-open booth that encourages informal conversations between colleagues.
A meeting space that tastefully accomodates informal tête-à-tête.
Add biophilia to your office space with greenWalls nature wall that can be mounted to our booths.
HushLock is a modular office storage system — an all-in-one freestanding supply cabinet that solves the open space office's storage problem in style.
A11 armchair
A bold, futuristic lounge chair that allows to create own private space, even in a bustling work environment.

Digital nomads are here to stay, so to speak

  • Posted on: 26 June 2023
  • By: Hushoffice Team

Vanlife. Working from any place. Co-living. And many other, similar ideas. The world is getting used to digital nomads driven by wanderlust. It is actually good news for businesses, because road warriors can add considerable value to teams. The issues: cooperation, communication, and a sense of loneliness.

Digital nomads are here to stay, so to speak

The solution: offices with perfect virtual meeting spaces – spaces that successfully bring together and connect on-site and remote-working employees.

Find out more about it.

Digital nomads

What actually is a digital nomad?

A digital nomad is an individual who connects remote working with regular travelling. Some of them change locations every few months. Others are settled primarily at home, and have a few trips a year. For some, it is all about frequent “workations”.

Regardless of special cases, digital nomads are independent, adventurous individuals. They can be self-employed or contract workers as well as freelancers. Full-time or part-time and salaried. Or business owners. But what defines them all is their preference for being at home and on the move, working on the road

– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.

Digital nomadism is on the increase.

According to the 2022 Digital Nomads Report by MBO partners, “people who embrace a location-independent, technology-enabled lifestyle have moved from being eccentrics to mainstream in less than a decade.” And the numbers prove it – 16,9 million U.S. workers are digital nomads – a figure that has increased by a staggering 131% since 2019.

Why is digital nomadism becoming so common?

There are many reasons for its boom. However, the principal cause for the increase in the number of globe-trotting workers is probably a cultural shift. Nowadays, more and more people choose experiences over things. It is no wonder that we experience such a change in values, knowing that 2020 forced a lot of people to reassess what truly matters.

Digital nomadism is entering the mainstream because people have changed priorities in the last few years. And it happened together with the widespread adoption of flexible working time. What is more, the market of the tools that make digital-nomad lifestyle easier has expanded considerably: networking applications, travel planner websites or digital nomad hubs all over the world, from Bali to Melbourne. At present, over 50 countries offer special digital nomad visas. This accelerating trend is yet another reason for designing offices with remote workers in mind – and that means providing premium virtual meeting spaces such as Hushoffice pods

– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
The hushPhone call booth. A refuge from office commotion. Imparts the calm needed for great client calls.

Digital nomads add unique value to your company.

Digital nomads are tech-savvy, skills-orientated, well-educated professionals.

Digital nomads usually have better IT skills than traditional employees.

As they depend heavily on digital tools, they need to be tech savvy to manage their work. For 86% of digital nomads, using technology is crucial to make them competitive at work compared to 47% of traditional workers.

Needless to say, technological fluency is a great resource. Techy people get the hang of tricky platforms, conversion pathways or client relationships. They can identify and implement solutions effectively. Also, they can help other team members to adopt new processes, consequently making the whole team more proficient

– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
Hush meeting pod for open plan offices

74% of digital nomads are early adopters of technology.

This is compared to 42% of traditional workers. And early adopters can bring your company to a higher level in terms of the industry’s latest developments. They are often resourceful and proficient at optimising systems.Thus, they can make your team more future-ready.

On the whole, digital nomads make happy, dedicated employees.

81% of digital nomads claim to be “highly satisfied with both their work and lifestyle” compared to 68% of traditional workers. Satisfied employees perform better and stay longer with the company than the unhappy ones. And employee satisfaction contributes to excellent results, less staff turnover, and better talent retention.

One of the key reasons why you should think about opening your talent pool to fully remote prospects is that employees are more likely to be devoted to the company that addresses their needs – and in case of digital nomads it is freedom that they want most. And truly devoted employees are invested in their job. They tend to have a more positive attitude, and are more willing to go above and beyond for their team’s progress

– explains Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.

Digital nomads who travel on a regular basis can offer fresh perspectives.

They come across many cultures, languages, and paradigms, which makes them exposed to bright ideas. Their general view of different ways of life is a significant advantage for a company that operates in different locations all over the world and for a diverse customer base.

Digital nomads are enterprising by nature.

They have an entrepreneurial attitude and are self-reliant. As they are proactive, they tend to seize opportunities other workers might not even be on the lookout for. And nomadic employees who have an enterprising spirit are also more likely to be highly resilient since they live, to a certain extent, in the unknown.

HushMeet.L is a large modular conference booth for open plan offices

Digital nomads may be incredibly productive.

As they can choose when and where they prefer to work – and their time is precious to them  – they are incredibly efficient. And, since they are used to working in totally different environments, they readily adapt to new circumstances and are really flexible, you can rely on them in uncertain times.

What is necessary for digital nomads to be successful? Connection, communication and collaboration.

According to Buffer’s State of Remote Work 2020 report collaboration, communication and a sense of loneliness are the greatest challenges that remote workers face. That is why, in order to ensure successful performance of your fully remote employees, the office needs to provide adequate virtual meeting spaces specially designed for hybrid meetings.

The hushHybrid video call pod makes a perfect virtual meeting space.

30% of digital nomads find it difficult to deal with loneliness. Regular, attentive communication may help establish and maintain connection. Booths such as hushHybrid help a lot – they are private, quiet cabins that block out noise and distractions and ensure excellent communication between employees in the office and ones working remotely.

Find out more about hushHybrid here.

If you need a small office booth for making phone calls, try hushPhone.

HushPhone is a cosy telephone booth which takes up less than 1 square metre of space. Its impeccable acoustics add a sense of camaraderie and privacy to every call.

Portable office call booth hushPhone Hushoffice
HushPhone private call pod

Find out more about hushPhone here.

If you need a space for hybrid collaboration, consider the hushMeet.L booth.

HushMeet.L is a large team meeting booth equipped with a low threshold, wide entrance, and comfortable latch door handle. It is conveniently accessible. Round-the-clock ventilation, well-designed power outlets, and perfect soundproofing make it a place where everyone belongs.

HushMeet.L the large conference pod for office accomodating needs of multigenerational teams

What is your opinion? Do you hire any virtual workers? Are you considering it? Or maybe, you are considering becoming one yourself. If you have any questions regarding Hushoffice pods for hybrid meetings, contact us here.

Digital nomads are here to stay, so to speak – summary

Digital nomads – frequently asked questions

Are there any advantages of hiring digital nomads?

Digital nomads are tech-savvy, skills-oriented, and well-educated individuals. 86% claim that they make use of technology to become more competitive at work as opposed to only 47% of non-digital nomads. 74% are early adopters in comparison with only 42% of traditional employees. What is more, 81% are extremely satisfied with both their work and lifestyle compared to 68% of regular office employees.

What are the challenges that digital nomads need to address?

Buffer’s State of Remote Work 2020 Report points out that collaboration, communication, and loneliness are the greatest challenges for employees who work remotely. 30% of digital nomads struggle with a sense of isolation. That is why it is vital that the office provides adequate virtual meeting spaces such as Hushoffice pods that accommodate both on-site and remote employees during hybrid meetings. Only then can everyone feel included.

Which is the best office pod for virtual meetings?

HushHybrid is one of the most suitable pods for hybrid meetings. hushHybrid is a one-person pod with excellent acoustics. They minimise background noise and ensure speech privacy. They come with adjustable lighting and ventilation – additionally, they may be equipped with extra LED video light strips to add a professional touch to video conferences. Read more about the pod here.

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