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Small booth for working in a standing position – hushWork.sit&stand
Acoustic pod for video coferences, webinars, and online calls.
Compact office booth for short phone and video calls.
A compact office pod for vital, face to face conversations.
An easily accessible workpod that sits up to 4 persons.
Acoustic meeting pod, accessible to persons with mobility impairments.
With the new hushHybrid office pod designed for remote meetings, your colleagues and business partners can feel as if they are right next to you.
The hushPhone booth radically improves the comfort of work for the entire office.
Though hushWork is not assigned to anybody in particular, anyone using it can feel like the space was made just for them.
HushMeet.L is a modular acoustic think tank room designed for meetings involving up to 8 people.
Owing to the closed structure and the acoustic materials used, every participant of a hushMeet.s meeting feels 100% at home.
A soundproofed meeting space that comfortably accomodates 4 people.
A mobile room divider that designates office space and facilitates teamwork.
HushSpot is a modern multi-station hotdesking table, a comprehensively equipped workspace for anyone who does not have a permanently assigned workstation.
The hushFree.S acoustic booth is designed for individual work, longer videoconferences and telephone calls.
HushFree.M is an acoustically comfortable booth for the office, which is ideal for face-to-face and hybrid meetings, important conversations requiring privacy, team meetings or creative work.
The large hushFree.L acoustic booth is an ideal alternative to traditional conference rooms.
HushWork is an independent, mobile acoustic solution created to let you work how you want – your way.
Two independent, soundproofed workstations suitable for smaller offices.
A semi-open booth that encourages informal conversations between colleagues.
A meeting space that tastefully accomodates informal tête-à-tête.
Add biophilia to your office space with greenWalls nature wall that can be mounted to our booths.
HushLock is a modular office storage system — an all-in-one freestanding supply cabinet that solves the open space office's storage problem in style.
A11 armchair
A bold, futuristic lounge chair that allows to create own private space, even in a bustling work environment.

Small booth for working in a standing position – hushWork.sit&stand

HushWork.sit&stand is the product matching our times. In one small booth there are solutions to many office problems.

  • Posted on: 24 September 2020
  • By: Hushoffice Team

HushWork.sit&stand is the product matching our times. In one small booth there are solutions to many office problems. Noise reducing efficiency of work, lack of space for individual work in concentration, the ill-health of employees resulting from many hours of sitting, the difficulty in ensuring the distance between people in the company recommended in the context of COVID-19... The answer to all this can be a portable acoustic booth for the office, which is a modern, convenient standing and sitting workstation.  

Small booth for working in a standing position – hushWork.sit&stand

HushWork.sit&stand booths are designed for one person and usually function within the company’s open space as workstations that are not assigned to specific employees, as in the hot desking system. It is enjoyed by a person who specifically needs silence, privacy, tranquillity, preventive coronavirus isolation or simply a change of body position at a sit-stand desk.


Fot. Kabiny do bezpiecznej pracy biurowej po COVID-19.

The HushWork.sit&stand portable acoustic enclosure for the office with adjustable desk for working seated or in a standing position.

How does sedentary work affect our health?

Office work has always been a sedentary job, and that is its biggest drawback. The position in which you spend 8 hours every day at your desk – even on an ergonomic chair – is not natural, healthy or convenient for the human body. Long-lasting sitting puts strain on the spine (especially in its lumbar section), impairs the correct circulation and causes muscle pain. The long-term consequences of this state of affairs include bone and joint degeneration, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, etc. Combined with a lack of exercise also outside your working hours, sedentary work usually results in obesity in the end as well. That is not all, however. Working seated for many hours makes us feel lazy, and in some people it even causes fatigue and sleepiness. Over time the motivation and dynamics of work decreases. It turns out that not only the body but also the human mind needs to change its position in order to remain in good shape. Standing at your desk or at least getting up from it every now and then, even for a few minutes, can really make a difference.

HushWork.sit&stand – a convenient solution for working on your feet and on a chair

The hushWork.sit&stand booth, which is a kind of focus room for an office worker, allows him or her not only to achieve the right level of concentration on the task, but also to take care of their health. The enclosure offers, in addition to optimal soundproofing, a comfortable height-adjustable desk that allows you to work flexibly in different positions. 

Desk adjustable in 2 seconds

The adjustment of the sit-stand desk height is easy, smooth and fast. In just two seconds, you can set the tabletop at the desired height (from 670 to 1250 mm) without even interrupting your work. The desk therefore allows you to work ergonomically both on your feet and on a chair (when your legs get tired) or in an intermediate position, for example using a barstool. For the sake of health, it is advisable to change the position of the body at the desk as often as possible and to try to ensure that the proportions of sitting and standing at the desk are, let’s say, balanced at first, and ultimately that working in a standing position dominates. It is more natural for the spine, better for blood circulation and improves efficiency.

Small hushWork.sit&stand booth– working in full focus

The hushWork.sit&stand is not only about ergonomics in the form of a desk that fits perfectly into the needs of the worker, but also about optimum acoustics inside, which allows the desired concentration to be achieved. While, as a standard, the open space has a noise level comparable to that of a vacuum cleaner or a loud TV, sounds muffled by up to several tens of decibels can be heard in the booth (set in the very centre of the noise). The user of the hushWork.sit&stand working inside with the door closed will hear a loud fire alarm, but all the rest of the annoying sounds are brought down to the level of a stream or birds singing, and at the same time the working conditions are great, even when it comes to the most difficult analytical tasks. The comfort of working in a soundproof enclosure is also affected by the fact that the user is not heard outside – so he or she can freely make a difficult or confidential phone call or participate in a conference call, for example. They maintain their privacy and do not disturb others. This is because the sounds that come out of the booth are practically “unnoticeable” by the people around the room and resemble a whisper.

Hush acoustic booths in a modern office setting

This type of office acoustic booth is a practical and universal option. It fits basically any interior design because its appearance can be customised according to your own needs or taste. There are no installation problems – it only needs to be connected to a regular electrical socket. HushWork.sit&stand booths are best suited for open spaces – more or less in the middle, so that everyone can access them easily and quickly at any time. It is also worth remembering that in the design of an office with such booths, we should not plan a place for them right next to the window – especially one that gets very hot from the sun due to its southern orientation, for example. This, despite good ventilation and even air conditioning on some Hush models, can make it difficult to maintain an optimal temperature inside.

The hushWork.sit&stand is a portable acoustic enclosure that creates an isolated, independent space in the office. Currently such an option is very much appreciated in many companies. Entrepreneurs obliged to implement preventive measures in their offices in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic are concerned about how to ensure the required distance between employees without increasing office space. Some introduce a shift work system, others continue to work in the home office system, but it is also possible to effectively isolate employees from each other using a Hush booth.

 Contact us to find out how the hushWork.sit&stand can be applied and arranged in your office. >>

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