Distinguish your coworking space using office pods and booths
- Posted on: 20 May 2024
- By: Hushoffice Team
Coworking spaces are mushrooming on the market. How can owners and operators distinguish themselves amidst the rising competition? As most members are primarily concerned with noise and privacy, introducing acoustic booths can prove to be a highly effective strategy.
Setting coworking space apart – tl;dr
Since 2010, the flexible workspace market has expanded by 23% annually. According to experts, coworking spaces will occupy up to 30% of the overall workspace market! Currently, there are over 6,000 of them, marking a remarkable increase from only 14 coworking spaces available in the US in 2014.
Gensler’s data indicates that coworking employees score higher in productivity and overall work experience. Half of this group reported an increase in their salaries after they started coworking, and nearly half noticed improvements in work quality and collaboration with colleagues. Additionally, 45% reported enhanced mental well-being.
An effective coworking space fosters rapport-building without disrupting the focused work of other members. This balance can be achieved by ensuring there are both quiet areas for focused tasks and collaborative areas for interaction. In fact, 64% of coworkers report having established meaningful connections in their work environment.
The primary challenges connected with coworking spaces concern noise and privacy. Like with any work environment, high-quality and well-designed acoustics are essential to foster a calm, productive atmosphere that ensures speech privacy. Therefore, acoustic, soundproof work pods are a perfect solution for owners and operators. Read more: the hushFree line of Class A pods.

Coworking office spaces – a breakthrough in shared space.
Coworking spaces offer a flexible and community-driven working environment, allowing tenants to keep up with and seamlessly adapt to changes. Simultaneously, they function as bustling social hubs where individuals from diverse backgrounds can network and exchange opinions, expanding their knowledge and experience.
The number and popularity of coworking spaces are constantly rising.
Since 2010, the flexible workspace market has grown by 23% annually, making it the fastest-expanding market! While only 14 coworking spaces were available in the US in 2014, there are now more than 6,000 options. Interestingly, flexible spaces are expected to constitute 30% of the overall office market by 2030.

Coworking is the most beneficial for individuals who value freedom and flexibility.
Coworking is a perfect option for anyone who wants to combine the comfort of working in a well-equipped space and the lack of limitations typical of traditional offices, such as assigned workspaces, a strict hierarchical atmosphere, and stodgy conference rooms. It is for individuals who enjoy working on their own terms in home settings, but would like to do so in a sociable, dynamic environment. Additionally, coworking spaces are a spot-on solution for those who need a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air in their daily work routines. In a nutshell, they are for everyone who wants to enjoy the functionality and togetherness of an office without its formal restrictions
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
Instead of bearing the expenses of leasing and maintaining traditional office spaces, businesses may choose flexible membership plans offered by coworking spaces, allowing them to considerably lower their overhead and cover only the necessary costs. In many contexts, it’s a win-win solution for both employers and employees.
Designing an effective coworking space involves catering for the needs of copywriters, programmers, and analysts.
Designing an effective coworking hub requires addressing a wider range of needs than those found in traditional offices, meeting the expectations of a diverse professionals from different industries. The bottom line is to provide highly adaptable interior solutions, while offering a range of settings, from quiet to lively.
So, what sets a coworking space apart?
71% of coworking individuals socialise with other members in their space. In this respect, a coworking hub can fulfil its unique function by effectively encouraging rapport building among people without hindering the privacy and focus of others.
The problem of noise in coworking spaces is a significant concern.
Coworking individuals score higher in productivity and overall work experience. Half of this group reported an increase in their income after they started coworking, and 47% noticed improvements in work quality and collaboration with colleagues. 45% reported enhanced mental well-being. As in any workspace, the key factor underlying these advantages is acoustics.

Video conferencing spaces are crucial in any coworking hub.
Since around 50% of all meetings are conducted online, dedicated spaces for video conferencing are an essential amenity in any coworking environment. These spaces ensure confidentiality during meetings, enabling workers to fully focus on sensitive issues without fear of being distracted or overheard.
Acoustic booths are quiet retreats amidst a bustling coworking office space.
We recognise the significant influence of quiet environments on productivity. In modern workspaces, quiet areas are increasingly modelled after the peace and quiet of libraries. Office pods reflect this trend of designing office spaces after libraries, focusing on ambience and acoustics. The primary challenge of managing a coworking space is its substantial size. However, instead of designing the entire space, creating smaller, distinct areas within a larger one is an effective solution. Each pod can function as a mini-space, providing a serene, private environment conducive to focus – much like the quiet corners of a library
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.

Balancing privacy and openness is about diversity and choice.
Offering socialising opportunities without compromising independence, coworking environments can ease the feelings of isolation that individuals experience while working remotely. 45% of workers using coworking spaces report improved mental well-being. However, the need for social interactions need to be addressed without sacrificing discretion. That is why acoustic insulation is essential.

Coworking spaces may evolve into professional networks.
64% of individuals have established valuable professional connections while sharing a coworking space. With its unique community that brings together diverse professionals and expertise, shared workspaces provide ideal opportunities for lucrative interactions every day. In fact, any networking event, professional workshop, or chance encounter can lead to a successful partnership.
Pods and booths are an ideal solution, effectively addressing all security and privacy concerns.
Noise and privacy are the primary concerns in coworking spaces. Given that acoustics play a crucial role in security, speech-insulating working environments, such as booths, are essential to ensure the confidentiality of classified data. Furthermore, booths provide users with a higher sense of privacy by dampening every conversation.
In quiet workspaces, silence can ignite creativity.
Moments of silence can stimulate the regions of the brain responsible for innovative thinking and problem-solving. Spending time in low-stimulus environments allows the brain to shift to more intense analytical thinking. These unique moments of deep processing foster neural plasticity, enhancing our ability to learn. Moreover, silence can improve cognitive flexibility, leading to enhanced mental adaptability, which is essential during organisational changes. Last but not least, silence promotes mindfulness, contributing to more effective emotional regulation. All these benefits advocate strongly for introducing private, quiet work pods, such as hushFree.S, into your coworking space. This will enable you to create a workspace where members can delight in their ability to analyse problems more effectively and find inspiration. Additionally, some individuals will use pods to simply recharge their batteries and give their brains a sensory break from stimuli in order to regain focus
– says Mateusz Barczyk, Senior Brand Manager, Hushoffice.
The spatial design is what sets a coworking space apart from its competitors.
25% of all coworking individuals list noise, lack of privacy, and difficulty focusing as their primary challenges. One-person work booths, such as hushFree.S, effectively address all these concerns, offering a viable solution that distinguishes your space from competitors.
Meet the 4-person hushFree.M – a comfortable meeting booth providing full speech privacy.
If you require a focused space within a bustling coworking hub, consider hushFree.M – a fully-equipped, soundproof team booth that comfortably accommodates up to 4 individuals. With its adjustable lighting and ventilation, hushFree.M sets the right mood!
If you need something larger, hushFree.L is a 4-6 person office booth worth considering.
HushFree.L is a spacious, private acoustic conference booth that can quickly become the go-to meeting space. Additionally, this comprehensive and mobile solution features a reservation system, providing maximum convenience.
Setting coworking space apart – tl;dr
Since 2010, the flexible workspace market has expanded by 23% annually. According to experts, coworking spaces will occupy up to 30% of the overall workspace market! Currently, there are over 6,000 of them, marking a remarkable increase from only 14 coworking spaces in 2014.
Gensler’s data indicates that coworking employees score higher in productivity and overall work experience. Half of this group reported an increase in their salaries after they started coworking, and nearly half noticed improvements in work quality and collaboration with colleagues. Additionally, 45% reported enhanced mental well-being.
An effective coworking space fosters rapport-building without disrupting the focused work of other members. This balance can be achieved by ensuring there are both quiet areas for focused tasks and collaborative areas for interaction. In fact, 64% of coworkers report having established meaningful connections in their work environment.
The primary challenges connected with coworking spaces concern noise and privacy. Like with any work environment, high-quality and well-designed acoustics are essential to foster a calm, productive atmosphere that ensures speech privacy. Therefore, acoustic, soundproof work pods are a perfect solution for owners and operators. Read more: the hushFree line of Class A pods.
Setting coworking space apart – frequently asked questions
How can I set my coworking space apart?
If your workspace layout is predominantly open, consider introducing mobile work and meeting booths, such as hushFree. Noise is the primary concern for 25% of all coworkers, followed by the lack of privacy and difficulty focusing – the exact issues that acoustic booths address.
What can I do to attract people to my coworking space?
Coworkers value the social dimension of their local space, with 64% reporting they have established meaningful connections since they joined. Yet, 25% list noise, lack of privacy, and difficulty focusing as their key challenges. To distinguish your coworking space amidst competition, it should encourage social interaction, while providing an environment conducive to focus. Consider investing in acoustic work booths, such as hushFree, which offer an instant solution for concerns regarding noise, privacy, and focus.
Are coworking areas noisy?
Without access to quiet areas and meeting rooms within the coworking space, many workers may find their working environment chaotic and disorganised. These third places are highly effective, allowing hybrid workers to socialise and experience variety within their digital, often dull, workspaces. However, the key to a productive coworking space is the high-quality acoustics; otherwise the space will impede focus. An ideal solution for landlords is to invest in work booths, such as hushFree, offering unparalleled privacy and quiet amidst the hustle and bustle of the coworking space.